Teaching Tips

When it comes to Teaching, we've been there, done that, now serving 99 tips in 12 categories ranging from Classroom Management to Techniques.

Should my dress be casual when I do presentations ?

Dress Tips: Considerations For Attire

Even though professional dress is becoming more and more
casual, it still pays to stand out in the crowd in
what you wear. Many of you ladies probably detest stockings
with a passion, yet it is still expected,albeit quietly.
Flair and style are the name of the game, and you
never know when an interview opportunity will pop. It
always pays to be ready...just in case !

How do I kee track of the workshops I conduct ?

Presentation Portfolio

As you complete your teacher workshops, make sure that
you place a copy of each workshop you do in a three
ring binder. Include the date of the workshop if it
is not already there. This will become a lifesaver
when you go to interviews .

How can I avoid stress ?

Laugh Away That Stress !!!

If you do not have a stash of comedy tapes, march yourself right out your car right now, and go buy some ! They will be one of the best investments you'll ever make for your health. By popping one of these cassettes or CD's into your player each morning as you drive to work, you actually get yourself into a very positive frame of mind. I mean, you can't help but be happy after laughing yourself silly to work ! Laughter is a great release for those dreadful days when everything falls apart. With laughter, you can't go wrong in avoiding those ulcers !

How can I deal with stress ?

In One Ear, And Out The Other

Stress is one sneaky little devil ! It can pounce upon you when you least expect it ! One way you can fight this critter is by making youself focus on as many positive things as possible. Each time you run into a negative issue, make sure that it goes in one ear and out the other. Don't allow it to reside within you. It will only fester into one big worry you simply cannot afford to build up ! Engage yourself in as many positive things as possible. Try to keep your distance from those folks who thrive on pessimism. Surround yourself with as many upbeat and happy folks as you can . Keep your inner battery positive,not negative !

What´s a good way to deal with stress ?

Keeping Healthy: Don't Forget Those Vitamins !

I am the first to admit that I tend to fall behind in taking my vitamins every single day, but I DO take them ! So, better some than none. The day that I do forget to take them really drags on far longer than I care for. Bottom line, take those things ( with your doctor's advice, OF COURSE ) as regularly as you can. You need every bit of energy you can get to keep up with those young whippersnappers. They are also a great defense to those bugs that can really beat us down when we least expect it. Also, by having a bundle of energy, mean old Mr. Stress cannot work his curse on us !


Bus Rides: What To Do In Case Of An Emergency

I truly feel that students should know what to do in
case of an emergency on the bus. It certainly would
not be a bad idea to discuss a handout on procedures
that should be followed in case of an accident or
other emergency. Parents should be aware of these
procedures,too. Such student awareness could not
only help the driver and emergency personnel,
but just might save a life,as well.

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Lynda Moultry